#ONA15: We Belong Here: Pushing Back Against Online Harassment (Keynote)

This keynote on cyber #harassment of female #journos was incredibly powerful and especially needed at a time when our male counterparts are still completely dismissive of threats to our safety. But the people not in the room are the ones that needed to hear this keynote session the most.

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Book "On Breathing & Long-Distance" Self-Published through Lulu.com

My first self-published book of poetry On Breathing & Long-Distance is now for sale here!

Click to my official page to download the official press release that I've been sending out to bookstores and poetry book reviewers to garner some interest in the book. 

"Like" the book's Facebook page to stay updated with the upcoming official book release, readings around town, book sale discounts and any other wonderful poetry-like endeavors of mine.