Body Liberation Resource Guide


Body/fat liberation is close to my heart. As a fat mental health provider, I strive to work with others to become embodied alongside dealing with their trauma. As part of this work, I curated a guide for those seeking body justice and body/fat liberation. This guide is for those seeking to unlearn anti-fat bias, weight stigma, and diet culture.

In this guide, you will find information on various forms of media that can help you on your body liberation journey. Use the Table of Content to navigate through non-fiction and fiction books; podcasts; articles; workbooks; videos; social media accounts; influencers; and other curated compendiums; archives; and lists.

These materials can be both challenging/triggering and eye-opening/liberating. If you are on your body liberation journey, I encourage you not to do it alone. Gather a community around yourself that supports your journey. Find a Health At Every Size, Intuitive Eating, or Body Trust-aligned Registered Dietician to work with. Seek individual or group counseling/therapy that affirms body liberation. Know that you are not alone in your journey.