Texas Observer: Lege Reconvenes for a Strange, but Peaceful, Day One

On January 7th, a day before the 83rd Texas Legislature was called into session, I started the legislative reporting internship at The Texas Observer. Here's part of my first post, written and reported with Emily Mathis:
Tuesday was opening day for the 83rd Legislature, and by noon the House and Senate floors were full again with lawmakers, lawmakers’ families and their fancily dressed children. And Rick Santorum. The former presidential candidate honored the Senate chamber with his presence, where Republican members made him rise repeatedly as they reveled in his conservative glory. Gov. Rick Perry dropped in and answered concerns about Santorum’s lack of a sweater vest. “My son presented him with a sweater vest—an A&M sweater vest,” Perry said. Read the rest of the blog post.
Keep track of my posts on this blog and on the Observer website.