A Gentle Reminder (or Why I'm a Journalist)

Every so often I get in my own way when I’m working on a story, editing video, digging through data, writing nut grafs or transcribing an inane amount of interviews. I think self-defeating, self-deprecating thoughts and lose sight of the story.

When I get stuck on a project like this – whether it is 500 words or 3,000 words and multimedia elements – I remind myself why I'm writing in the first place. Why do I want to tell this story? What is it exactly that I am so passionate about?

I want to connect people, start discussions and expand minds. I believe these powerful three things create a path to change in thought or change in action, or both. 

I write, photograph, film, data-mine and design to show and tell others something new, that will stay with them. I want readers to be critical, informed thinkers about the world. I need my audience to engage with the story and take that engagement off the page or screen or airwaves and do good with their new knowledge.

I want to create change and I cannot do that when I get in my own way. So this is a gentle reminder to myself when I’m in that self-loathing downward spiral, that once-in-a-while when I’m paralyzed from finishing a project due to anxiety:

Crawl out of your ego and be good enough for the story. Step away from perfectionism. Remember that no one can read it until it is written.